
Nakuru Hope

Short film I made on the conditions and projects we're doing in the slums of Nakuru: Dear friends, I need your help! For 5 weeks I was working in the Slums of Nakuru together with other volunteers and our hostdad, pastor Anthony. We were already able to do a lot of things like buy blankets, provide food, water, school uniforms, wheelchairs for the disabled, start a football team for the boys, and start a class for young women on self-esteem, sexual protection etc. However, the conditions are still far from what they should be and it will take us a long process to get there. That’s why we need your help! In the video that I made, you can see the conditions they're living in, but also the amazing energy they have. They are so happy with so little and inspire me everyday. So if you want to donate (any amount is welcome!), sponser a child to go to boarding school, or just get some more information on the things we're doing, please send me a message on facebook, Instagram or e-mail me at: PLEASE SHARE this video so we can touch as many hearts as possible and change lives!! LOVE, Robin